Form from: Broomwood Primary School

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Thank you we raised £500 for our own clothes day for Aitan and Cancer Charity

Thank you for all your amazing support

Thank you we raised over £500 for the British Royal Legion for the Poppy appeal for remembrance day.

Thank you for your support

Christmas Jumper Day on Monday 16th December for a £1 donation for Save the Children.

Thank you for your support

Christmas Dates for the Diary:

Monday 16th December: Gingerbread decorating for whole school

Monday 16th December: Christmas Jumper day for save the children

Tuesday 17th December: The Bear Y1,2 12.45pm

Wednesday 18th December: Christmas Wonderland 4-5.30pm

Thursday 19th December: Party Day

Thursday 19th December: Christmas Dinner 

Thursday 19th December: School Christingle

Thursday 19th December: Last Day in school

Friday 20th: Inset day (staff only) Monday 16th December: Christmas Jumper day for save the children

School term dates: 

Term dates for 2024 - 2025 

Term dates for 2025 - 2026

Keep up to date on what's going on in school via our school website

Our Choir will be singing in Altrincham Precinct at 12pm till 2.30pm on Tuesday 17th December. 

It would be great if you could come and support them.

Thank you

Stars of the Week

Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 9th December are:

Pre-School:  Summer

Nursery:      Aaditri

Reception EH: Tino

Reception HBL: Ralph

Year 1 JW: Angus

Year 1 SE: Jaxon

Year 2 BC: Lewis and Darcie

Year 2 WB: Esme

Year 3 FR: Belle

Year 3 SW: Sophia

Year 4 EC: Amir

Year 4 RS: Horace

Year 5 JR: Noah

Year 5 PM: Lucia

Year 6 LW: Finley

Year 6 JC: Eadie

Year 6 OR: Evie

Well done everyone

Attendance for W/C 9th December

Well done to Y6OR  for 100% attendance this week and winning the Be There Bear.

Class Be there Bear League

The class that wins the Bear there bear the most this year will be given a treat at the end of the year.


 Christmas Raffle

Staff in the school have donated some gorgeous things to create some hampers. If you would like to take part in the raffle, we would ask that you pay via parent pay by Monday 16th DECEMBER

On Wednesday 18th December we will pull out the winning numbers. All money goes to FoBs (Friends of Broomwood) and will used for your children.


Wednesday 18th December Broomwood Primary School will be holding their inaugural Winter Wonderland. Children will be invited to return to school between the hours of 4.00-5.30pm to enjoy a fun filled festive extravaganza.

With each ticket children will be able to hunt for their own Christmas gift, enjoy a cup of festive punch and devour a delicious seasonal biscuit. Tickets will be priced at £5 a child.

In addition, there will also be plenty of stalls, games and a Santa's Grotto to help us all get into the festive mood.

So come and join us at Broomwood's Winter Wonderland!

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Mark at Broomwood Community Centre is doing a HAF holiday club on 23rd December and 2nd/3rd January if any children would like to attend.

Parents can contact mark on [email protected] to book children on.