Form from: Broomwood Primary School |
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Well done to all our Year 6 students for doing their SAT's this week. You have all been amazing. Have a well deserved rest over the weekend.
Thursday 23rd May - New to the country coffee morning 9.30-10.30am
Friday 24th: Year 6 Kooth Mental health assembly
Friday 24th: Break up (2 week holiday)
Monday 10th: Return to school
Thursday 13th: Reception trip to Imagine That
Wednesday 12th: Reception Rhyme Challenge 2.30pm
Thursday 27th: Year 3 visit to Delamere
Friday 28th: Year 4 visit to Delamere
Friday 28th: Gold Spelling
Tuesday 2nd: Reception open evening for new children at 5pm
Thursday 4th: Over 60's Afternoon tea
Friday 5th: Platinum Spelling
Tuesday 9th: Diamond Spelling (the theme is Europe)
Tuesday 9th: Pre-school and Nursery open evening for new children at 5pm
Wednesday 10th: Y5 trip to Garrick Theatre (paid by school)
Wednesday 10th: Year 3/4 Sports day - time TBC
Monday 22nd: Year 6 show at 1.30pm / 6pm (see email for further details)
Wednesday 24th: Year 6 Leavers assembly - Y6JC 9.30am / Y6OR 11.30am / Y6LW 2pm
Wednesday 24th: Year 6 Ball - 6.30-7pm
Thursday 25th: Break up for Summer Holidays
Please note ALL events are subject to change
School term dates:
Keep up to date on what's going on in school via our school website
Stars of the Week
Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 13th May were:
Pre-School: Serdal
Nursery: Harrison
Reception EH: Albie
Reception HBL: Muhammad
Year 1 JW: Zara
Year 1 BS: Ava
Year 2 BC: Maddison / Harrison
Year 2 DR: Zoe
Year 3 FR: Chloe
Year 3 SW: Toby
Year 4 EC: Grace
Year 4 WB: Teddy
Year 5 JR: Charlotte
Year 5 PM: Leo
Year 6 LW: All of Year 6LW
Year 6 JC: All of Year 6JC
Year 6 OR: All of Year 6OR
Well done everyone
Attendance for W/C 13th May
Well done to Y3SW and Y6JC for 100% attendance the week and winning the Be There Bear.
RecEH - 96.5%
RecHBL - 98.7%
Y1 JW - 95.2%
Y1 BS - 90.8%
Y2 DR - 98.8%
Y2 BC - 96.0%
Y3 SW - 100%
Y3 FR - 93.3%
Y4 WB - 94.4%
Y4 EC - 96.0%
Y5 PM - 88.9%
Y5 JR - 94.1%
Y6 JC - 100%
Y6 LW - 98.6%
Y6 OR - 98.1%
Total for whole school - 95.9%
The class that has the highest attendance each week, wins the attendance bear. The class that has won the attendance bear the most at the end of the year has a treat.
Class be there Bear League
“New to the Country” Coffee Morning
Thursday 23rd May
Join us between 9.30am- 10.30am
Please come along and join us for a hot drink and a chat.
A fun and informal session for parents and carers, to ask questions, share experiences and find out how to support your child’s learning.
Do come and join us!
The children in Reception will be going on their school trip to Imagine That in Liverpool! The trip is on Thursday 13th June 2024. This trip will support our knowledge of ‘Understanding of the World’, where the children will have opportunities to interact with a range of imaginative, creative and scientific activities.
Total cost of visit including admission charges and transport: £14.00 per child, please pay and consent on parent pay.
The children in Y3 and Y4 trip to Delamere Forest trip linked to their rainforest topic.
Year 3 will be going on 27th June and Year 4 will be going on 28th June.
The children will spend the morning with a forest manager and explore the forest in the afternoon.
The cost of the trip is £15.00 per child, please pay and consent on parent pay.
Consent and payment required before the day of the trip. If you have any difficulties with payment, you must discuss this with the Headteacher, Dr L Owen.
LAST REMINDER TO BOOK: After school club activities
Please see attached list of clubs that will be available to book on parent pay. Clubs must be booked on parent pay, it is a new booking system, so places must be booked for afterschool clubs by by Sunday 19th May.
Please see link to view clubs: Clubs list
Nursery and Pre-school places for September 2024
If you require a Pre-school (2 years olds) or Nursery (3-4year olds) place for September 2024 or know of anyone who does, please complete an application form which are available from the school office. There is also lots more information on Pre-school and Nursery on our website.
If your child is already in Pre-school and will be moving up to Nursery in September or is already in Nursery and will not be starting in Reception in 2024, you do not need to apply for a place, you will automatically be allocated a Nursery place.
Spaces are already filling up fast for September so don't delay.
Who will receive one of our Broomwood Primary School Postcards this week.
Keep an eye out for the post, it could be you this week!