Message from: Broomwood Primary School |
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Thursday 30th: Bronze spelling test
Tuesday 6th: Silver spelling test
Friday 9th: Break up for half term holidays
Monday 19th: Inset day (staff only)
Tuesday 20th: Return to school
Tuesday 20th: Gold spelling test
Tuesday 27th: Platinum spelling test
Wednesday 28th: Class Photo Day
Friday 1st : Diamond spelling test (Theme is Flora and Fauna)
W/C Monday 4th: Last week of clubs (except Boxing, Yoga and Musical Theatre)
Monday 4th - Y6LW and 1/2 Y6JC Macclesfield Forest Trip
Monday 11th - Y6OR and 1/2 Y6JC Macclesfield Forest Trip
Monday 11th - Y3SW The Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Tuesday 12th - Y4SM The Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Tuesday 12th: Parents Evening
Wednesday 13th - Y3FR The Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Wednesday 13th: Parents Evening
W/C Monday 18th: Last week of Boxing, Yoga and Musical Theatre clubs
Monday 18th - Y4EC The Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Tuesday 19th - Y5 Macclesfield Forest Trip
Tuesday 19th - Y1/Y2 Blackpool Zoo
Friday 22nd: Break up for holidays
Please note ALL events are subject to change
School term dates: Term dates for 2023 - 2024
Keep up to date on what's going on in school via Twitter and our Web page
Nursery and Pre-school places for September 2024 - offer letters will be sent out in February 2024
If you require a Pre-school (2 years olds) or Nursery (3-4year olds) place for September 2024 or know of anyone who does, please complete an application form which are available from the school office. There is also lots more information on Pre-school and Nursery on our website.
If your child is already in Pre-school and will be moving up to Nursery in September or is already in Nursery and will not be starting in Reception in 2024, you do not need to apply for a place, you will automatically be allocated a Nursery place.
Spaces are already filling up fast for September so don't delay.
School trips
There are a number of school trips coming up in March. Please check emails and parent pay for details of these trips. All payments and consent for trips needs to be made on parent pay. Any issues with payment, setting up or using parent pay please contact the school office before the day of the trip. Coaches will leave on time so please ensure that your child/ren are on time for school.
Monday 4th March - Y6LW and 1/2 Y6JC Macclesfield Forest Trip
Monday 11th March - Y6OR and 1/2 Y6JC Macclesfield Forest Trip
Monday 11th March - Y3SW The Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Tuesday 12th March - Y4SM The Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Wednesday 13th March - Y3FR The Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Monday 18th March - Y4EC The Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Tuesday 19th March - Y5 Macclesfield Forest Trip
Tuesday 19th March - Y1/Y2 Blackpool Zoo
All school trips are heavily subsidised by school. Thank you for your support.
Stars of the Week
Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 22nd January are:
Pre-School: Kady
Nursery: Subhan
Reception EH: Angus
Reception HBL: Amyra
Year 1 JW: Jessica
Year 1 BS: Noah
Year 2 BC: Rian
Year 2 DR: Sophia
Year 3 FR: Charvi and Yahyah
Year 3 SW: Freddie
Year 4 EC: Amelia
Year 4 SM: Maisie
Year 5 JR: Liam
Year 5 PM: Moses
Year 6 LW: Daniel
Year 6 JC: Alvan
Year 6 OR: Sun
Attendance for W/C 22nd January
Well done to Y6JC for 100% attendance this week and winning the Be There Bear.
Reception EH - 90%
Reception HBL - 97.6%
Year 1 JW - 89.5%
Year 1 BS - 98.6%
Year 2 DR - 91.5%
Year 2 BC - 92.4%
Year 3 SW - 95.8%
Year 3 FR - 96.3%
Year 4 SM - 96.3%
Year 4 EC - 91.7%
Year 5 PM - 97.8%
Year 5 JR - 98.5%
Year 6 JC - 100%
Year 6 LW - 94.7%
Year 6 OR - 91.2%
Overall School Attendance: 94.9%
Be there bear league table:
The class that has the highest attendance each week, wins the Attendance bear. The class that has won the attendance bear the most at the end of the year will receive a special treat.
Please always contact school before 9am to report a child's absence. Children need to be in school by 8.45am.
Who will receive one of our Broomwood Primary School Postcards this week.
Keep an eye out for the post, it could be you this week!
School Dinners
School dinners are £2.50.
Children in full time Nursery and KS2 (Year 3, 4, 5 and 6) are required to pay for lunches (unless you are on free school meals), but lunches for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are free.
If you would like your child to go onto school dinners now that weather is getting colder, please contact the school office. We do require a week's notice in writing to change onto school dinners or packed lunches. If we do not receive the change in writing you will still be charged for dinners.