Form from: Broomwood Primary School |
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Reminder that the school day starts at 8.45am, not 9am.
If the school gate is closed children need to be brought to the office and signed in.
Thank you for you support and cooperation.
Monday 8th: Return to school
Monday 15th: Reception start forest school
Wednesday 17th: Phonics Screening Test meeting for parents at 3.30pm
Wednesday 17th: Year 6 SATs meeting for parents at 3.30pm
Thursday 18th: Y4,5,6 Attendance Assembly 2.30pm-3pm
Friday 19th: Rec, Y1,2,3 Attendance Assembly 2.30pm-3pm
Monday 22nd: Earth Day
Thursday 25th: Year 5 Whitemoor Lakes meeting for parents at 3.30pm
Monday 13th May – Thursday 16th: Year 6 SAT's
Friday 10th: Bronze Spelling
Friday 17th: Silver Spelling
Friday 24th: Year 6 Kooth Mental health assembly
Friday 24th: Break up (2 week holiday)
Monday 10th: Return to school
Friday 28th: Gold Spelling
Friday 5th: Platinum Spelling
Tuesday 9th: Diamond Spelling (the theme is Europe)
Please note ALL events are subject to change
School term dates:
Keep up to date on what's going on in school via our school website
Attendance Award Assembly
Thursday 18th April: 2.30-3pm for Y4,5,6
Friday 19th April: 2.30-3pm for Rec,Y1,2,3
Children who have 100% attendance for schools first term and second term (September 4th -December 20th and January 4th-March 22nd), will receive their Silver attendance badge on the above date.
Children who have 100% attendance for schools second term (January 4th-March 22nd) will receive their Bronze attendance badge on the above date.
Parents and Carers are welcome to attend their child's assembly to see them receive their award. All parents/carers will be sent a text and email to inform them if their child/ren will be receiving an award.
Year 1 - Phonics Screening Test
We would like to invite you to a meeting on Wednesday 17th April at 3.30pm regarding the National
Phonics Screening Test in Key Stage 1 which will take place during the week beginning Monday 10th June 2024.
Who takes the test? All children in year one. In addition, any child in year two who did not reach the required level when they took the test in year one will take the test again in year two.
The meeting aims to explain this process, in addition to providing you with ideas and materials to help your child with phonics at home.
Stars of the Week
Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 18th March were:
Pre-School: Finley
Reception EH: Sophia
Reception HBL: Yayha
Year 1 JW: Blossom
Year 1 BS: Darcie
Year 2 BC: Belle
Year 2 DR: Molly
Year 3 FR: Dale
Year 3 SW: Vihaas
Year 4 EC: Hannah
Year 4 SM: Syed
Year 5 JR: Mama
Year 5 PM: Oliver
Year 6 LW: Caitlyn
Year 6 JC: Ashrit
Year 6 OR: Tommy
Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 8th April are:
Pre-School: Frankie
Nursery: Xander
Reception EH: Jahaziel
Reception HBL: Phoenix
Year 1 JW: Bella
Year 1 BS: Remaeo
Year 2 BC: Xander and Emily
Year 2 DR: Annie
Year 3 FR: Adhya
Year 3 SW: Isaac
Year 4 EC: Imogen
Year 4 WB: Ellis
Year 5 JR: Cadence
Year 5 PM: Sydney
Year 6 LW: Evelyn
Year 6 JC: Maison
Year 6 OR: Harvey
Well done everyone
Nursery and Pre-school places for September 2024
If you require a Pre-school (2 years olds) or Nursery (3-4year olds) place for September 2024 or know of anyone who does, please complete an application form which are available from the school office. There is also lots more information on Pre-school and Nursery on our website.
If your child is already in Pre-school and will be moving up to Nursery in September or is already in Nursery and will not be starting in Reception in 2024, you do not need to apply for a place, you will automatically be allocated a Nursery place.
Spaces are already filling up fast for September so don't delay.
Attendance for W/C 18th March
Well done to Y2BC for getting the highest attendance the week before we broke up for the Easter holidays and winning the Be There Bear.
Reception EH - 97.1%
Reception HBL - 92.9%
Year 1 JW - 95.7%
Year 1 BS - 96.1%
Year 2 DR - 94.4%
Year 2 BC - 99.2%
Year 3 SW - 94.8%
Year 3 FR - 81.5%
Year 4 SM - 97.6%
Year 4 EC - 95.6%
Year 5 PM - 96.3%
Year 5 JR - 92.6%
Year 6 JC - 95.3%
Year 6 LW - 97.2%
Year 6 OR - 90.4%
Overall School: 94.4%
Well done to RecEH for getting the highest attendance this week and winning the Be There Bear.
Reception EH - 98.2%
Reception HBL - 86.3%
Year 1 JW - 86.2%
Year 1 BS - 93.9%
Year 2 DR - 89.6%
Year 2 BC - 90.8%
Year 3 SW - 94.4%
Year 3 FR - 81.5%
Year 4 SM - 93.2%
Year 4 EC - 89.6%
Year 5 PM - 87.8%
Year 5 JR - 92.2%
Year 6 JC - 90.0%
Year 6 LW - 90.7%
Year 6 OR - 88.2%
Overall School: 90.1%
Class Be There Bear League
The class that has the highest attendance each week, wins the Attendance bear. The class that has won the attendance bear the most at the end of the year will receive a special treat.
Spelling Test Dates:
This will be the last opportunity for spelling tests this academic year
Friday 10th: Bronze Spelling
Friday 17th: Silver Spelling
Friday 28th: Gold Spelling
Friday 5th: Platinum Spelling
Tuesday 9th: Diamond Spelling (the theme is Europe)
Who will receive one of our Broomwood Primary School Postcards this week.
Keep an eye out for the post, it could be you this week!
Reception: Please bring in waterproof clothes and suitable footwear to change into for Forest school on Monday.