Message from: Broomwood Primary School |
Happy New Year to all our children, families and staff. We hope you had a lovely festive break and are well rested for the next exciting term in school.
Thursday 4th: Return to school
Wednesday 10th 9-9.30am : Attendance Assembly for Rec - Year 3
Wednesday 10th 2.30pm-3pm: Attendance Assembly for Y4 - Y6
Thursday 30th: Bronze spelling test
Tuesday 6th: Silver spelling test
Friday 9th: Break up for half term holidays
Monday 19th: Inset day (staff only)
Tuesday 20th: Return to school
Tuesday 20th: Gold spelling test
Tuesday 27th: Platinum spelling test
Friday 1st March: Diamond spelling test (Theme is Flora and Fauna)
Please note ALL events are subject to change
School term dates: Term dates for 2023 - 2024
Keep up to date on what's going on in school via Twitter and our Web page
Attendance Award Assembly
Wednesday 10th January: 9-9.30am : for Rec - Year 3
Wednesday 10th January: 2.30pm-3pm: for Y4 - Y6
Children who have 100% attendance for schools first term (September 4th - 20th December), will receive their Bronze attendance badge on the above date.
Parents and Carers are welcome to attend their child's assembly to see them receive their award. All parents/carers have been sent a text and email to inform them if their child/ren will be receiving an award.
Year 2: Please bring in warm clothes and suitable footwear to change into for Forest school on Monday.
If you have any unwanted children's clothes in the following sizes, Nursery would be grateful to take them off your hands:
Age 3-4, 4-5 or 5-6
Thank you
Well done to our Accelerated readers from last term:
Y3SW: Olivia
Y3FR: Ole
Y4SM: Ted
Y4EC: Isabella
Y5PM: Isham
Y5JR: Finley
Y6OR: Sun
Y6LW: Anusheel
Y6JC: Henrik
Chocolate Tubs
Please save your empty chocolate tubs and bring them into school so we can give them to Chris Walker's Garden Centre to recycle. Chris uses them for his plants. Please drop them at the school office. Thank you.