Form from: Broomwood Primary School

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Reminder that the school day starts at 8.45am, not 9am.

If the school gate is closed children need to be brought to the office and signed in.

Thank you for you support and cooperation.


W/C 29th - W/C 15th July: Afterschool Clubs  - Football, Boxing, Yoga, Musical Theatre 

Tuesday 30th - Parent Workshop on Sleep and Behaviour 2-3pm


W/C 13th  – W/C 1st July: Afterschool Clubs (Teacher led)

Monday 13th  – Thursday 16th: Year 6 SAT's

Friday 10th: Bronze Spelling

Friday 17th: Silver Spelling

Friday 24th: Year 6 Kooth Mental health assembly

Friday 24th: Break up (2 week holiday)


Monday 10th: Return to school

Wednesday 12th: Reception Rhyme Challenge 2.30pm

Friday 28th: Gold Spelling


Friday 5th: Platinum Spelling

Tuesday 9th: Diamond Spelling (the theme is Europe)

Please note ALL events are subject to change

School term dates: 

Term dates for 2023 - 2024

Term dates for 2024 - 2025 

Keep up to date on what's going on in school via our school website

Stars of the Week

Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 22nd April were:

Pre-School:            Logan

Nursery:                 Erin

Reception EH:       Angus

Reception HBL:    Emma

Year 1 JW:             Esme

Year 1 BS:             Amanda

Year 2 BC:            Deepthikaa

Year 2 DR:           Kyro

Year 3 FR:           Freddie  

Year 3 SW:          Zehra 

Year 4 EC:            Jack

Year 4 WB:         Lucas

Year 5 JR:           Mira

Year 5 PM:        Sienna  

Year 6 LW:         Lahan

Year 6 JC:           Isobelle

Year 6 OR:         Harchika

Well done everyone

Attendance for W/C 22nd April

Well done to Y3SW for getting the highest attendance the week an winning the Be There Bear.

RecEH  -  98.2%

RecHBL  - 95.6%

Y1 JW  -  98.1%

Y1 BS  -  93.9%

Y2 DR  - 91.9%

Y2 BC  - 88.8%

Y3 SW  - 99.2%

Y3 FR  -  94.1%

Y4 WB - 97.2%

Y4 EC -  97.5%

Y5 PM -  92.6%

Y5 JR  - 98.5%

Y6 JC -  95.3%

Y6 LW95.2%

Y6 OR -  90.0%

Total for whole school  - 94.9%

The class that has the highest attendance each week, wins the Attendance bear. The class that has won the attendance bear the most at the end of the year will receive a special treat.

Parent Workshop on Sleep and Behaviour - Tuesday 30th April 2-3pm

Are you struggling with your child/ren sleeping and or their behaviour?

We are hosting a parent workshop at school on Tuesday 30th April between 2pm - 3pm. The workshop will be run by Laura Probert (the school nurse) and Catherine Cairns (Trafford Teams Together) and will cover sleep and behaviour and will give parents/cares the opportunity to ask questions and get advice about their child/ren.

If you would like to attend the workshop please complete the form (link to form has been sent via email and text) so that we know how many parents/carers will be attending.

After school club activities

Aftershcool clubs start next week for Football, Boxing, Yoga and Musical Theatre (Musical theatre is by invite only) and will run till W/C 15th July. The rest of the clubs will start W/C 13th May – W/C 1st July.

Please see attached list of clubs that will be available to book on parent pay. Clubs must be booked on parent pay, it is a new booking system, so places must be booked for afterschool clubs by Sunday 27th April for Football, Boxing, Yoga and Musical Theatre and by Sunday 12th May for the other clubs.

Please be aware that you will require a parent pay account to book on clubs and refunds cannot be made if children decided that they no longer want to attend a club.

Please contact the school office if you have any issues with booking your child/ren onto clubs.

Please see link to view clubs: Clubs list

Please check with your child/ren before booking them onto clubs as refunds cannot be given and it takes a place for another child.

Hockey Team

This week, the Broomwood hockey team represented the school in the annual ‘Jim McCall Trophy’ tournament. The team played brilliantly, missing out on 3rd spot in their group through goal difference. Standout performances go to Isham who chased down every ball, covering the whole of the pitch and Evie who made some fabulous one on one saves! Well done Broomwood Hockey Stars!

Science Competition

Here are the winners of the super science award for the Easter holidays. There will be another competition over the whit half term.

KS1 - Oliver M, Alessio,

LKS2 - Charvi, Vihaas, Jamie M, Hannah,

UKS2 - Tiffany, Ashrit

Well done, super scientists

Reception Rhyme challenge - Wednesday 12th June at 2.30pm

Songs and rhymes are the foundation for so many important skills! They help us develop language and literacy, communication and memory to name just a few. Across Broomwood Early Years Foundation stage we will be taking part in a Rhyme Challenge! This is where we will practise and perform a collection of songs, some new and other more familiar ones. At the end of the challenge we will performing and handing certificates to celebrate!

We invite parents to come into school to watch the performances in school, we hope you can join us!

We will also be sending home a rhyme challenge poster with all of the words to the songs and rhymes your child will be performing, we will be practising in school every day, please practise at home too!

Thank you for your continued support,

The reception team 

Information for Year 5 Parents;

Admissions Timetable Entry in September 2025’ for the following Trafford Consortium schools;

Open days:

Altrincham Grammar School for Boys Thursday 2nd May 2024 5pm - 7.30pm

Altrincham Grammar School for Girls Thursday 20th June 2024 4pm - 8pm

Sale Grammar School Thursday 4th July 2024 5.30pm - 8.30pm

Stretford Grammar School Thursday 27th June 2024 5pm - 8.00pm

Urmston Grammar Wednesday 19th June 2024 4pm - 8pm

Parents will be able to apply from noon on Thursday 25th April 2024 for the Trafford Consortium Examination.

Familiarisation Guides are available to download at any time from the school websites

The entrance examination will take place on Monday 16th September 2024 and the closing date for all online applications is 12:00 noon on Friday 21st June 2024

Nursery and Pre-school places for September 2024 

If you require a Pre-school (2 years olds) or Nursery (3-4year olds) place for September 2024 or know of anyone who does, please complete an application form which are available from the school office. There is also lots more information on Pre-school and Nursery on our website.

If your child is already in Pre-school and will be moving up to Nursery in September or is already in Nursery and will not be starting in Reception in 2024, you do not need to apply for a place, you will automatically be allocated a Nursery place.

Spaces are already filling up fast for September so don't delay.

Who will receive one of our Broomwood Primary School Postcards this week.

Keep an eye out for the post, it could be you this week!