Form from: Broomwood Primary School

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Wednesday 9th: Harvest festival assembly

Wednesday 9th: Individual school photos

Wednesday 9th - Thursday 10th: Parents evening (use the link sent via email to book an appointment)

W/C 14th: Afterschool clubs start (more information to follow)

Tuesday 22nd: Flu Vaccine Rec-Year 6 (if consent has been given)

Wednesday 23rd: Pumpkin Fest (more information to follow)

Thursday 24th: Nursery story stay and read session 9am-9:30am or 2:30pm-3pm

Friday 25th: Break up for 1 week school holiday


Monday 4th: Return to school

Thursday 21st  - Thursday 28th Book Fair

Tuesday 26th: Y5/6  Drum concert: 1.35 – 1.55pm Year 6JC

                                                              2.10 - 2.30pm Year 6OR

                                                              2.40 – 3.00 pm Year 6LW

Wednesday 27th: Y5/ 6 Drum concert: 1.50 – 2.10 pm Year 5PM

                                                                     2.30 - 2.50pm Year 5JR


Friday 13th: Sleeping Beauty Panto Y3-Y6 (payment on parent pay)

Tuesday 17th: The Bear Y1-Y2 (payment on parent pay)

Thursday 19th: Break up for holidays

Please note ALL events are subject to change

School term dates: 

Term dates for 2024 - 2025 

Keep up to date on what's going on in school via our school website

Harvest festival

On Wednesday 9th October the children will have a harvest festival assembly in school.

We will also be taking in donations for the local food back and would be grateful for any non perishable food items (tins, pasta, dried food, tea, coffee, etc).

Thank you for your support

School Photos

Individual school photos on Wednesday 9th October.

Reminder that all Afternoon Pre-school and Nursery children to come in for 8.30am so they can have their photo taken.

Stars of the Week

Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 30th September are:

Pre-School:               Lilly

Nursery:                    Luna

Reception EH:          Diar

Reception HBL:       Mila

Year 1 JW:                Sophia

Year 1 SE:                Luna

Year 2 BC:               Eric

Year 2 WB:           Jessica

Year 3 FR:            Harrison

Year 3 SW:          Aisha

Year 4 EC:             Adora

Year 4 RS:           Darcy

Year 5 JR:            Emily

Year 5 PM:         Bonnie

Year 6 LW:       Alexia

Year 6 JC:         Aamina

Year 6 OR:       Noah

Well done everyone

Attendance for W/C 30th September

Well done to Y1JW for the highest attendance this week and winning the Be There Bear.

Class Be there Bear League

The class that wins the Bear there bear the most this year will be given a treat at the end of the year.

Please read the below letter to ensure that you are up to date on new government attendance policies/fines and schools attendance policy:

Attendance Letter


To showcase their learning, we would like to invite you into school to watch your child’s class perform a mini musical concert. Please make a note of the date and time that your child’s class will be performing:

Tuesday 26th November

1.35 – 1.55pm Year 6JC

 2.10 - 2.30pm Year 6OR

 2.40 – 3.00 pm Year 6LW

Wednesday 27th November

1.50 – 2.10 pm Year 5PM

 2.30 - 2.50pm Year 5JR

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The children in Y1-Y6 will be going to the theatre in December.

Y1-Y2 will be going to see The Bear at Sale Waterside on 17th December  

Y3-Y6 will be going to see Sleeping Beauty at Stockport Plaza on 13th December.

We are looking for adult helpers for these trips, so will be adding adult places to parent pay for both these trips at £16 a ticket on a first come basis. There will be a limited number of places which will go live on parent pay on 1st October and will close on 15th October.

We will send a text out on 1st October when it will be available to book on parent pay. Please do not text or email that you require a place as places need to be booked on parent pay.

Please note that this is not a compulsory trip for children, however, if you do not want your child to go they will still need to attend school. Please let the school office know as soon as possible if your child will not be attending this trip so we can make arrangements for them in school.

The trips for the children are now available to pay on parent pay.

Thank you for your support.

Broomwood Primary School

School Dinners

If you would like your child to go onto school dinners now the weather is getting colder, please contact the school office.

Please see link below of the school lunches we provide at Broomwood Primary School. We are currently working on a three week menu rotation.

School Dinner Menu

We would like to remind parents that we require one weeks notice if your child wishes to change from school lunches to packed lunches or vice versa. Even if your child has free school meals, we still require notice to ensure correct quantity of food is ordered by kitchen each week.

Our Italian day was a great success:

Who will receive one of our Broomwood Primary School Postcards this week.

Keep an eye out for the post, it could be you this week!

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