Form from: Broomwood Primary School

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Thank you to all our families who came to our Broomwood Talent show on Friday to celebrate out 70th Birthday. A huge well done to all the children who took part in our Broomwood got talent show, you were all amazing.

Also, a big thank you to Mrs Payne and Mr Bridge for organising the event, it was a brilliant day with all our children and staff dressed up as the past 7 decades. Lots more memories made for our school.

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Sports Day

Reminder to please collect your wrist bands from the office for sports day this week. Please check below on the dates for the diary for the date and timing of your child's sports day.


Monday 8th: Y3 Samba Concert 2pm

Monday 8th: Y2 Ukulele Concert 2.30pm (time change)

Tuesday 9th: Diamond Spelling (the theme is Europe)

Tuesday 9th: Transition Morning 9.30-11am

Tuesday 9th: Y4 Samba Concert 2pm

Tuesday 9th: Pre-school and Nursery open evening for new children at 5pm

Wednesday 10th: Y5 trip to Garrick Theatre (paid by school) please see below for further information

Wednesday 10th: Year 3/4 Sports day 9.30am

Wednesday 10th: Reception Sports day 2pm

Thursday 11th: Year 1/2 Sports day 9.30am

Thursday 11th: Rock Steady concert at 2.30pm

Friday 12th: Year 5/6 Sports day 9.30am

Friday 12th: Nursery Rhyme time challenge 10.45am and 2.45pm

W/C 15th: PE Week - see email for further details

Monday 15th: Pre-School / Nursery Adventure Forest trip 9.30am

Tuesday 16th: Class Be There Bear Attendance award 

Tuesday 16th: Year 1 Simply cycling trip

Wednesday 17th: Reception Adventure Forest trip

Wednesday 17th: Y3 Grip Adventure trip

Thursday 18th: Y4 Grip Adventure trip

Thursday 18th: Nursery Sports day 9.15am and 2.40pm

Friday 19th: Y2 Simply Cycling trip

Friday 19th: Attendance award assembly Y4-Y6 9-9.30am

Friday 19th: Attendance award assembly Rec-Y2 2.30 – 3pm

Monday 22nd: Year 6 show at 1.30pm / 6pm (see email for further details)

Monday 22nd: Nursery Beach Party

Wednesday 24th: Year 6 Leavers assembly - Y6JC 9.30am / Y6OR 11.30am / Y6LW 2pm

Wednesday 24th: Preschool PE Week video and medals ceremony 10.40am/2.40pm

Wednesday 24th: Year 6 Ball - 6.00-7.30pm

Thursday 25th: Break up for Summer Holidays


Wednesday 4th: Return to school

Monday 30th - Wednesday 2nd October: Y6 Whitemoor Lakes residential

Please note ALL events are subject to change

School term dates: 

Term dates for 2023 - 2024

Term dates for 2024 - 2025 

Keep up to date on what's going on in school via our school website

Y6 (current Year 5 students) residential to Whitemoor Lakes at the end of September is only 12 weeks away.

Payments are made on parent pay and can be made in instalments (weekly/ monthly). Full payment must be made before the end of September.

An online form has been sent out via email/text regarding allergies/medicines/information. Please complete the form by the end of the week so we can collate all the information.

Please see link for Whitemoor Lakes Booklet with further information of what the children require - Whitemoor Lakes Booklet

Please contact school if you have any questions.

Stars of the Week

Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 1st July are:

Pre-School:              Connie

Nursery:                    Valentino

Reception EH:         Laweeza

Reception HBL:       Abdullah

Year 1 JW:               Jessica

Year 1 BS:                Imogen

Year 2 BC:               Archie

Year 2 DR:               Ayla

Year 3 FR:               Adhya and Aitan

Year 3 SW:             Jupiter

Year 4 EC:              Barney

Year 4 WB:           Ted and Ayman

Year 5 JR:             Nevaeh

Year 5 PM:           Emily

Year 6 LW:          Kasio

Year 6 JC:          Connor

Year 6 OR:        Syeda

Well done everyone

Attendance for W/C 1st July

Well done to Y5JR  for the highest attendance this week and winning the Be There Bear.

Class Be there Bear League

Well done to Y6LW for winning this year's Be there Bear league. The class will be rewarded with a trip to the cinema on Tuesday 16th July. Well done!

School Uniform

Link for uniform shop: Uniform shop

Last date to order uniform before the online shop shuts for Summer is Monday 15th July

Last day to collect orders before the Summer holidays is Friday 19th July

Any orders made after Monday 15th July will be ready to collect on the Inset day: Tuesday 2nd September

Staff in the school have donated some gorgeous things to create Summer hampers. If you would like to take part in the raffle, we would ask that you pay via parent pay by Monday 22nd July. It is £1 a ticket. On Wednesday 24th July we will pull out the winning numbers. All money goes to FoBs (Friends of Broomwood) and will be used for your children.

Thank you for your support


Please see link for PE WEEK (W/C 15th July) letter listing the trips that children will be going on that week. There is no payment for these trips as they are all funded by school.

We do require consent or the children will NOT be able to attend. A consent form has been sent via email please complete it ASAP.

If you would like to be considered as a helper on your child's trip please contact school by Wednesday 26th June.

Any questions regarding PE week please see the class teachers.

PE Week Letter

Nursery and Pre-school places for September 2024 

If you require a Pre-school (2 years olds) or Nursery (3-4year olds) place for September 2024 or know of anyone who does, please complete an application form which are available from the school office. There is also lots more information on Pre-school and Nursery on our website.

If your child is already in Pre-school and will be moving up to Nursery in September or is already in Nursery and will not be starting in Reception in 2024, you do not need to apply for a place, you will automatically be allocated a Nursery place.

Spaces are already filling up fast for September so don't delay.

Transition day

 In preparation for your child moving up to their next class in September, they will have a transition morning on Tuesday 9th July where they will get to meet their next class teacher and spend time in their new classroom.

For parents who have children who are moving up to reception, there is a meeting on Tuesday 2nd July at 5.00pm where you can find out information about what reception will be like, as well as meeting your child’s new class teacher. There is also an induction meeting for pre-school and nursery parents on Tuesday 9th July at 5.00pm.

Year 5 live at the Garrick:

Y5 will take part in a singing performance at the Garrick Theatre in Altrincham on Wednesday 10th July. We would love it if you could come and watch your child perform.

Miss Rowlands class will perform at 10:30am so you will need to purchase the morning session.

Mr Martin’s class will perform at 1:45pm, so you will need to book the afternoon. 

Tickets can be purchased online, at the box office counter and over the telephone. This trip has been fully funded by school, so there will be no cost for the child to attend.

Website: Ticket link

Box office telephone number: 0161 928 1677

Opening Hours: 11am – 4pm Mon to Fri and 9am-12pm on Saturdays. Closed BH Monday.

Please be aware that there is limited parking at the Garrick Theatre, especially during the day, so they may need to allow extra time.

The end of year six is fast approaching – some important key events which we have organised so that we can mark this poignant occasion for the children. Get your diary and your tissues at the ready:

Monday 22nd July -  show stopping performance of Shrek. Shows will take place at 1.30pm and 6pm (with the children being required to return to school for 5.30pm).

Due to limited space, we will be offering a maximum of two tickets per family, which can be offered as one ticket per show or two tickets for just one of the shows. Once the tickets are gone, there will be no more available. If we have tickets remaining, we will let you know.

Wednesday 24th July -  year six classes are inviting you to have an afternoon tea with them, where they will share their Broomwood memories with you. Tickets will be limited to two family members per child.

6JC 9.30am

6OR 11.30am

6LW 2pm

Tickets will be available to collect soon. We will text when they are ready.

Wednesday 24th July - celebration ball which will take place between 6pm and 7.30pm. We will be providing food and refreshments for the children; they just need to bring their dancing shoes!

Nursery Beach Party on Monday 22nd July 

We are hoping the weather will allow us to finish this topic with a beach party. We will put some paddling pools out and have some ice-cream. 

We are asking for a small donation of £1.50. This can be paid via parent pay. 

Children can come into school in shorts and t-shirt and bring a spare set of clothes. This will be our fantastic finish for a great year. Children will attend their usual sessions. 

Who will receive one of our Broomwood Primary School Postcards this week.

Keep an eye out for the post, it could be you this week!