Form from: Alwoodley Primary

This form has been archived

Our Breakfast Club is available to all children from Nursery through to Year 6. We are open every school day from 8.00am until 8.50am and are based in the dining room. Children will walk around the school building into the Year 3/4 playground and enter via the dinner hall door where a member of the Breakfast Club staff will meet and register them. Children must arrive no later that 8.10 am.

The cost is just £4.50 per day which includes a variety of choices from our healthy breakfast menu. Children in receipt of pupil premium will be charged a reduced fee on £2.25 per day.

Payments must be made in advance using ParentPay, our online payment system.

No refunds will be given if your child is unable to attend as we have to staff the club according to the numbers registered to attend. Children do not have to attend every day but places must be booked in advance and the days required will need to be specified. 

If you wish to cancel your childs place or change their days, please email the office in advance and provide at least 1 weeks notice.

If you would like to book a place for your child, please fill in the form below.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office email: 

Pupil Surname

Pupil Forename


Which days do you require

Please confirm the date you would like sessions to commence from

Is there any other information you would like us to know about your booking dates

Does your child have any food allergies/intolerances?

Name of person completing this form

Relationship to Child

By signing this form, I agree to provide at least 1 weeks notice to change or cancel my booking. I understand that I will be charged for any changes that are not made with this notice period.

Please sign below

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above