Form from: Parkhill Junior School

Student Update Form 

In order to improve the way in which we communicate with parents and carers, we have produced a single form enabling us to gather the data necessary to communicate with you effectively for the duration of your child’s education at Parkhill Junior School.

Please ensure the contact details and other information regarding your child is kept up to date. If you change your details at any time, please let the school know as soon as possible. 

Please find a copy of the school prospectus at the bottom of this form giving information about our school day. 

Student Personal Details

Middle Name

Known Name


Date of Birth

Line 1 - Name or House Number

Line 2 - Street

Line 3 - Town

Line 4 - County

Post Code


Country of birth

Date of arrival in UK (If country of birth different to UK)


First Language

Main language spoken at home

Other languages spoken at home

Is this pupil entitled to FSM

Is this pupil classified as 'looked after by the local authority'

Ethnicity of pupil

Please specify

Dietary requirements

Please state

Does your child have any disabilities?

Please give details

Does your child have Special Educational Needs?

Does your child have an Educational Healthcare Plan?

Parent Carer 1 / 2 Details

Details of Parent / Carer 1 that has legal responsibilities

Please give details below of all persons who have parental responsibility - the parent / carer completing this form must inform the school of any individuals with parental responsibility. (Parental responsibility can only be removed by Court Order - for more information about parental responsibility please visit .)


First name


Relationship to pupil

Parental Responsibility


Home Number

Mobile Number

Email Address

Work Phone Number

Details of Parent / Carer 2 that has legal responsibilities


First name


Relationship to pupil

Parental Responsibility

Address if different from parent 1

Home Number

Mobile Number

Email Address

Work Phone Number

If there is any other person who can be deemed a ‘parent’ (eg. step parent, or parent’s partner) please provide their details below, indicating if they have 'parental responsibility'.





Relationship (Step Father, Step Mother or parent’s partner)

Parental Responsibility

Mobile Number

Email Address

Other Contacts


Before disclosing details below of anyone else you wish to be contacted in an emergency, you must ensure you have obtained consent from the individual(s) concerned.   Please list contacts in order of preference - 1st contact = first preference.




Home Number

Mobile Number

Relationship to pupil




Home Number

Mobile Number

Relationship to pupil

Do you wish to add an additional contact?




Home Number

Mobile Number

Relationship to pupil

Brothers / Sisters in this School

Name and the class of Brothers / Sisters in this School

Name and the class of Brothers / Sisters in this School

Name and the class of Brothers / Sisters in this School

Medical Information

Parkhill Junior School are committed to ensuring that students with long term medical conditions receive appropriate care and support at school.  The aim is to ensure that all children with long term medical conditions, in terms of both physical and mental health, are properly supported so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.

It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that:

  1. The school is informed about any changes to your child/children's health.
  2. A parental agreement for school to administer medicine form is completed before bringing medication into school.  Medication must be prescribed by your GP and be clearly labelled with your child's name and dosage.
  3. You provide the school with the medication that your child requires and keep it up to date.
  4. You collect any leftover medication at the end of the school year.

Please note the school are not permitted to administer antibiotics or pain killers. 

Name of GP surgery and address

Name of doctor

Surgery telephone number

Do you give permission for the school to call the doctor in an emergency?

Do you give permission for the school to administer first aid in an emergency?

Does your child have any food allergies?

Please list

Does your child have any medical conditions?

Name of medical condition

Medication required

Previous School

Name of School


Telephone number

Date attended from/until

Photo permissions

Occasionally we use photos/videos of children demonstrating what they are doing during school, for displays around the school, as well as on our website or the local press.  Please note that if you do not consent to your child’s photo being taken, we may have to remove them from activities where we cannot guarantee that the photo will not be used for other purposes. This includes class photos and performances to parents.

Please sign below

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Please note you may withdraw consent at any time by contacting the school office. 

Out of school visits

I understand that my child may make educational visits to the local vicinity, under the supervision of a teacher. I give permission for my child to make such visits as and when arranged and in the event of an emergency I give permission for them to receive first aid treatment. I understand that I will be advised seperately about educational visits out of school that require travel by coach, train or bus.

Please sign below

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Use of the internet

At Parkhill Junior School, we recognise the importance of ensuring our pupils receive high quality computing education to enable them to be active and informed participants in our digital world.  We aim to create safe and responsible users of information and communication technology within our school community.  This agreement is to ensure that your young learners will be responsible users and to stay safe while using the internet and other digital technologies for educational, personal and recreational use-at school and when not at school. 

Please sign below

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Acceptable Use Procedures

At Parkhill Junior School, we recognise the importance of ensuring our pupils receive a high quality Computing education, which will equip them to be active participants in a digital world. Therefore, we aim to educate all members of the school community, on their rights and responsibilities with the use of technology to create safe and responsible users. The education of pupils in e-safety is therefore an essential part of the school’s e-safety provision. This policy is to ensure that young people will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other digital technologies for educational, personal and recreational use. 


  • I have the right to an education (Article 28). I have the right to use the internet to further support my learning and I must only use the school’s computers for schoolwork and homework.
  • I have the right develop my talents and abilities by using ICT to create and publish my own material or files (Article 29) and I must only edit or delete my own files and not look at, or change, other people’s files without their permission. 
  • I have the right to create original work, be it text, music, images or video and I must not copy other’s work and claim for it to be my own 
  • I have the right to privacy (Article 16) and I must keep my username and password safe and secure. I will not share it with anyone, not try to use any other person’s username and password, not open an attachment, or download a file, unless I know and trust the person who has sent it.
  • I have the right to seek and receive all kinds of information (article 13) and I must not attempt to visit Internet sites that I know to be banned by the school. respect that some websites and social networks have age restrictions.
  • I have the right to reliable information from the media (Article 17) and I must question how reliable my sources are before I believe everything I read.
  • I have the right to be free to say what I think (Article 13), I have the right to share my ideas worldwide via the internet and I appreciate that others may have different opinions and I must not send inappropriate content including messages, photos and videos, not pass on inappropriate material I receive, respond to anything I receive that I do not like or I am unhappy with.  I will show a teacher / responsible adult.
  • I have the right to use ICT to communicate with known friends and trustworthy people, I have the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations (Article 15) and I must only communicate with people I know if a responsible adult has approved, always be polite and sensible. I will not use strong, aggressive or inappropriate language, not take or distribute images of anyone without their permission, not give my home address, phone number, send a photograph or video, or give any other personal information that could be used to identify me, my family or my friends, never arrange to meet someone I have only ever previously met on the Internet.  

Please sign below to show that you have read, understood and agree to the rules included in the Acceptable Use Agreement.

If you do not sign this agreement, access will not be granted to school systems and devices.

I have read and understand the above and agree to follow these guidelines when I use the school systems and devices (both in and out of school)

I understand that I must use school ICT systems in a responsible way, to ensure that there is no risk to my safety or to the safety and security of the ICT systems and other users

Child Signature

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Parent Signature

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Free School Meals Redbridge (FSM)

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a hot free school meal.  If your child is in Year 3 or above you may be eligible.  Please click on the following link for more information.

Home-School Agreement

What is a Home-School Agreement?

Parkhill Junior is proud to be a Rights Respecting School (RRS). As such we follow the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of a Child.

This booklet sets out for you what you can expect for your child at Parkhill Junior School. It also sets out what we expect from you as parents and what we expect from your child. We want to work in partnership with our community and provide the very best for your child. The safety and wellbeing of your child is our shared priority. These are ALL related to the articles of the Rights of a Child Please see our E-Safety and Child Protection/ Safeguarding Policies on the school website or ask at reception for a copy.

Please talk to your child about our expectations of them at school. We would like your child to sign their name and for you to sign this agreement also. 

Remember if you are worried about any aspect of your child’s education please see your child’s teacher in the first instance

Article 29:Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

At School we will:

• Care about your child’s safety and well-being.

• Help your child to reach an appropriately high standard in their work and in their behaviour.

• Provide a balanced curriculum.

• Keep you informed of the work children are undertaking.

• Set homework as per the Homework Policy.

• Keep you informed of your child’s progress on a regular basis.

• Inform you promptly of any concerns we have and welcome your support and assistance.

Article 13: Every child must be free to think and speak

Article 14: Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and practice their religion.

Article 15: Every child has the right to meet with other children

Article 28: Every child has the right to an education

I will try to:

• Listen carefully and do my best so that we can be proud of ourselves and our work.

• Be respectful, caring and co-operative so that our school is a safe and happy place.

• Move quietly and sensibly around the school so others can work and to avoid accidents.

• Settle our disagreements peacefully by talking about them so that we do not hurt each other.

• Look after the school and everybody’s property so that we have what we need to learn and our belongings are safe.

As parent/carer I will:

• Ensure my child attends school regularly and inform the school of any absence.

• Support the school in ensuring that school rules are followed.

• Ensure my child is punctual.

• Ensure my child wears school uniform and is properly equipped, eg., PE kit.

• Ensure my child’s appearance is appropriate and suited to the school’s image.

• Attend consultations and meetings with the class teacher.

• Support the school to maintain good standards of behaviour and work.

• Ensure my child completes homework as appropriate to their age.

• Support opportunities for learning between home and school.

Article 18: All Parents/Carers share responsibility for bringing up their own child and should always consider what is best for the child.

Parent signature

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Child Signature

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Homework Policy


At Parkhill Junior School, we aim to:

• Ensure the needs of the individual child are taken into account

• Ensure parents/carers have a clear understanding of the school’s expectations of them and the child

• Encourage parents, children and school to work together

The purpose of homework is:

• To develop an effective partnership between the school and parents/carers, in pursuing the aims of the school

• To consolidate and reinforce knowledge, vocabulary, skills and understanding across the Parkhill curriculum.

• To encourage children, as they progress, to develop the resilience and responsibility needed to study autonomously.


Children should spend at least fifteen minutes reading, every day, a balanced variety of genres, texts and authors. This may be reading with an adult or independent reading. Every child will have a reading book which is provided by school but can also be a suitable book from home. Children are expected to read a fiction book and non-fiction book at all times. Other reading should also be encouraged, e.g. newspapers, online news, magazines, instructions, etc. If your child is an independent reader, talking about the book and aspects of the storyline are important. Comments in the Reading Record books should be made daily, by the child, parent/carer or teacher. Every new reading book must be approved and ‘signed off’ by the class teacher.


Each child is expected to learn a set of spellings each week which include relevant spelling patterns and topic vocabulary to support learning across the melting curriculum. Children are tested through a dictation method, where the word is placed in a sentence to provide context.

Multiplication tables and related division facts

By the end of Year 4, every child is expected to have rapid recall of multiplication facts. Every child is expected to learn their tables in the following order: 2,5,10,3,4,8,6,7,9,11,12.

Children in Year 3 and 4 are expected to access the Times Table Rockstars website and practise their recall for at least 10 minutes, at least three times a week. Weekly battles are also set for all year groups, where children can practise and compete against each other, to earn towards a weekly certificate for their class.

Homework Support

Maths and English parent workshops, at the beginning of the academic year, provide clear guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home. All homework set, including instructions and guidance, is uploaded onto our school website. Homework Club is open, all year round, to all year groups.


As homework is assigned and completed through Google Classroom, children need access to a computer and internet. If this poses a problem, please see the class teacher and paper copies can be provided.

Schedule for homework tasks/activities

Year 3

  • Spellings (tested on a Friday)
  • Maths & English- this should take no longer than 20 minutes for each task/activity (Handed in on Wednesday)
  • PE

Year 4

  • Spellings (tested on a Friday)
  • Maths & English- this should take no longer than 30 minutes for each task/activity (Handed in on Wednesday)
  • PE

Year 5

  • Spellings (tested on a Friday)
  • Maths & English- this should take no longer than 40 minutes for each task/activity (Handed in on Wednesday)
  • PE

Year 6

  • Spellings (tested on a Friday)
  • Maths & English- this should take no longer than 40 minutes for each piece of work.  During the spring term, there is an intensive revision programme which may require extra homework being given out. (To be submitted on Doodle Learning)
  • PE

On Friday, the homework task is explained to the children, by the class teacher. All homework is directly linked to work explored in class. Once submitted on a Wednesday, homework is acknowledged by the class teacher and is reviewed as a whole class, where children are given the opportunity to ask questions and address any misconceptions.

Weekly PE homework will be a short and essential physical activity which parents need to ensure is being completed.

If at any time, your child is experiencing difficulties or is unable to complete the set work, please see the class teacher for support.

Parent/Carer/Relative Code of Conduct

The Governing Body, Headteacher and Staff of Parkhill Junior School aim to provide a safe, welcoming and respectful environment for all pupils and their relatives.  The Governing Body requests that the conduct of parents, carers, relatives and friends reflects this expectation.  Whilst in and around the school site parents, carers, relatives and friends behaviour can be witnessed by pupils and consideration should be given to the example their conduct is setting.  All communication via letters and emails should be polite and respectful. 

I confirm that I will support the school's code of conduct

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above


Declaration of Person with Legal Responsibility

I declare the above information to be correct to the best of my knowledge at the time of completion.  I understand that my personal information is held securely in accordance with Data Protection legislation and will only be used for the provision of education,

I agree to notify the school of any changes in my child’s circumstances.

Please sign below

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Print name

