Form from: St Mary's C of E VA Primary School

Mid-year applications (sometimes called in-year applications) are any application for a school place made to a year group during an academic year, apart from September admissions to Reception. For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the admission number for that year group.

All applications will be considered as and when they are received. If a place is available, the oversubscription criteria will be applied to all applicants (including those on the waiting list) to determine who will be offered a place. Anyone making an application under category 2 and 7must also submit a Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

A parent can request their child be added to a waiting list if their application was unsuccessful. A child’s position on the waiting list will be determined by the admissions criteria and may change as other children join or leave the list. If a place at the school becomes available it will be offered to the child that best meets the published admission rules. Waiting list will be kept for an academic year until the end of the summer term. To retain waiting list application after this time an application must be re-submitted.

Please note, before completing this form, please contact the school office to make sure that there are spaces available in the year group/s you are applying for.

Email - [email protected]
Telephone - 01799 523384

Section 1 - Pupil details

Pupil surname

First name(s)

Date of Birth

Current Year group

Current school (or last school attended)

Town and postcode of current school

Is the child still attending school?

If no, last date of attendance

If the child is know by another name please add it here

Section 2 - Home address

House number of name





Section 3 - Parent/Carer details


Parent/Carers First Name


Relationship to child

Home/Mobile number

Email address

Section 4 - Reasons for change of school

If you are moving into the area, date of move

Preferred date of admission

New address if different to Section 2 (please email copies of proof of address (eg Exchange of contracts or signed tenancy agreement) to the school office.

Have you discussed your reasons for wanting a different school for your child with your child's current school?

Has your child attended any other primary school?

Reason for leaving:

Other (please give reason)

Section 5 - Other details

Is your child cared for by a Local Authority or is he/she a previously looked after child?

Does the child have an Educational Health Care Plan (previously know as a statement)?

Are there any exceptional medical reasons why the child should specifically attend this school (in accordance with the school's Admission Policy)?

If 'Yes', please email the school office ([email protected]) supporting evidence from the child's doctor or other health care professionals.

Are either parents members of the armed forces

Section 6 - Siblings

If you have another child at this school please enter their details below

Section 7 - Other Information

Please enter any other information

Section 8 - Declaration

I have read the notes of guidance for the completion of this form. I confirm that the information I have given is true and that I am a parent for this child.

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Notes of Guidance on Completion of the Mid-Year Application Form

1. This form should be completed and then be sent directly to the school office with any supporting evidence requested. 

2. You should be aware that there is no guarantee of a place at St Mary's  so you can and should apply for more than one school, unless you have established that your preferred school definitely has a place for your child. To find out if there are places, you will need to contact the school(s) directly.

3. If you do decide to apply for more than one academy, foundation or voluntary aided school, you need to make a separate application to each school directly.

4. Once you have sent your application to the school, the school must write to you within 15 school days to confirm if a place is being offered or not. If you do not hear within this timescale, please contact the school office directly to ask about your application.

5. If the school writes to you to offer a place, you should get in touch with the school to confirm if you are accepting the place and arrange a start date within 10 days of the date of the offer letter.

6. If you are refused a place, the letter you receive should explain that you have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel against the decision. Appeals should be made in writing using the relevant form within 20 school days of the refusal letter. Information about appealing is available on the website from the ‘Submit an Appeal’ link.

7. Applying from overseas – For non-UK citizens, the child must be in the UK before the application can be processed and proof of residency such as an endorsed (stamped) passport or entry visa will be required with the application.

8. If, having applied for a place, you do not manage to secure a school for your child (and you are living in the Essex County Council area* or have a confirmed move into the County), please contact School Admissions at Essex County Council on Tel: 0345 603 2200 for further support and advice. The email address for School Admissions is [email protected].