Form from: St Johns CofE Primary Dukinfield

Dear Parents and Carers,

To help us make sure we’re providing the best standard of education for your child, we’d like to know how you feel about our school.

This will help us to find out what we’re doing well and where we could do better and also make sure we’re meeting the needs of you and your child.

I would be extremely grateful if you could take the time to complete this survey to help us make St John's Primary the best it can be.

The survey should take approx 10 minutes  to complete .   

Replies will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

Your feedback is very important to us.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Hewitt-Lee


My child feels safe in school

My child is safe in school

My child feels safe in after school school clubs

My child is safe in after school school clubs

My child feels safe on school trips

My child is safe on school trips

My child knows who to speak to if they're upset or unhappy at school

My child has at least 1 member of staff they would feel comfortable approaching if they felt unsafe or unhappy

The school teaches my child how to reconise risks to their wellbeing - both online and offline

The school teaches my child how to lead a healthy and active lifestyle and how to keep physically and mentally well

The school teaches my child to have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships

In the past, any concerns I have had about my child's safety have been dealt with quickly and effectively

Behaviour and Attitudes

Behaviour in the school is excellent

Behaviour is consistently well managed by staff

Bullying and discrimination is dealt with quickly, effectively and consistently

My child has a positive attitude to learning

My child is motivated to learn

The school has clear routines and expectations for the behaviour of all pupils across all aspects of school life

The school behaviour policy is fair and is used consistently

My child is encouraged to have good attendance and punctuality

The school has a positive, respectful culture in which my child is well cared for

Personal Development

My child is happy at school

My child enjoys going to school

My child's confidence and self-esteem are growing

The extra-curricular activities offered are of a high quality

There is a good range of extra-curricular activities to choose from

The school supports my child to develop resilience, confidence and independence

School Worships are engaging and interesting

The school teaches my child to have an interest in, and respect for, different people's faiths, feelings and values

The school teaches my child to enjoy learning about themselves, other and the world around them

The school teaches my child to recognise the difference between right and wrong and apply this in their own lives

The school promotes equal opportunities in an inclusive environment where all needs are met

Additional Information

Do you have any other comments?

Include your name, if you wish

Thank you for completing this survey.